The SADC Business Council Tourism Alliance was established as the representative body for the apex tourism private sector in the SADC region. It supports SADC’s goals of regional integration and sustainable tourism development, aligning with several key initiatives within the SADC Tourism Programme 2020-2030 to boost the value, quality and sustainable growth of travel and tourism to, from and within the SADC region.
Through its projects, the SADC BC Tourism Alliance facilitates:
• Regional tourism integration
• Skills development in the tourism sector
• Disaster risk management and crisis communications
• Cross-border destination promotion
• Enhancement of Access (air and land) to improve regional travel
The SADC Business Council Tourism Alliance operates as a neutral facilitator in key tourism projects across the region.
Key Projects
Tourism Disaster Risk Management and Crisis Communications
• Participated in the development and training of a comprehensive Disaster Risk Management and Crisis Communications Framework.
• Hosted a Train-the-Trainer workshop in February 2024, equipping representatives from SADC member states’
national tourism bodies and DRM officials with crisis preparedness and communication skills.
Skills Development Initiatives
• Conducted a comprehensive skills survey across 14 SADC states.
• Established a working group of specialists to recommend concrete projects for implementing training initiatives.
Cross-border Destination Promotion
• Identified and supported the Triland Agreement, a trilateral cross-border destination promotion pilot
involving South Africa, eSwatini, and Mozambique.
Enhancing Border Efficiency
• Developed multi-lingual training materials on customer service for border management officials and hosted a two-day training session for border management trainers.
• Part of the committee to develop guidelines for minimum standards at border posts.
Regional Air Connectivity
• Engaged with airlines to advocate for the establishment of new regional air routes.
• Hosted a workshop on regional air connectivity during AviaDev in June 2023.
• Part of the committee to develop the air access study on behalf of the SADC Secretariat.
2023 – 2024 Highlights
Notable milestones during the reporting period include:
Strategic Formation and Governance
• Successfully positioned the Alliance as a visible entity in the regional tourism landscape.
• Actively engaged with government bodies, private sector entities, and international partners.
Visibility and Media Outreach
• Maintained a strong presence in the media through press releases, radio interviews, and panel discussions at major events.
Member and Stakeholder Engagement
• Maintained regular communication with members through weekly media roundups, virtual briefings, and one-on-one meetings.
Challenges and Future Focus
• Addressed challenges including limited member engagement and resource constraints.
• Set focus areas for 2024-2025, including onboarding new members, securing sustainable funding, and continued advocacy for regional air connectivity and visa liberalisation.
These milestones reflect significant progress across multiple areas, showcasing the effectiveness and impact of our
strategic initiatives in advancing regional tourism in the SADC region.